Posts Tagged ‘Liturgy’

February 17th, 2010 - 7:00 am § in Church, Liturgy, Theology

Holy Places

Yesterday’s post responded to certain streams of thought in the church about it’s future and the needs for reform and change in our life together. As a starting point, it used Walter Russell Mead’s blog entry called The Holy Crap Must Go. In that essay, Mead says that the church is[...]

November 9th, 2009 - 11:25 pm § in Liturgy, Theology

Believing and the Creed

I picked up Karen Armstrong’s latest book The Case for God this weekend. While paging through the book at the bookstore, I found a discussion of the English word “believe” and it’s development of meaning. “In Middle English,” Armstrong notes, “bileven meant [...]

November 2nd, 2009 - 4:09 pm § in Liturgy, Theology

All Saints

Yesterday, November 1, was the feast of All Saints. On that day, the church honors the whole communion of saints: all who walk in faith with Christ, our forebears in the faith whose witness has proceeded us. Many congregations also specifically remember those who have died in the last year. I’[...]