Posts Tagged ‘gospel’

May 22nd, 2011 - 12:00 pm § in Bible, Theology

It’s Not the End of the World

It's too easy, though, to get caught up on the date fixing and the ridiculousness of claims of rapture and earthquakes happening in each time zone and obeying the international date line. It's all easy to ridicule, but it misses something actually worth noting. Perhaps it is the only thing really wo[...]

March 8th, 2010 - 1:34 am § in Theology

The Proper Place of the Law: What of Antinomianism?

In the debates over human sexuality and the related discussions, the charge is frequently made by conservatives and traditionalists that the ELCA has drifted into antinomianism (rejecting the law). That charge has been unsurprisingly leveled once again by Robert Benne in the winter 2009 edition of L[...]